Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dream fragments, a serial compendium

10/18-19/13, Esalen, Artemisia vulgarisLavandula spp.Rosa spp.

Of course, the police would open fire at this provocation, so for me to effect the rescue, I would have to reveal my immortal form. From a distance the TV cameras in the stadium picked up only me, moving very fast, sparkling lights as the bullets struck, and my desperate laughter. What would they make of that? Not enough.

As the image congealed into a tabloid front page, it lost all meaning. There was no headline.

The women grew completely invisible as they approached the door. I could still tell where they were, and I bid them farewell as if nothing were amiss.


As I regained consciousness, I realized that I had been driving backwards at freeway speed for some time. The road's geometry was getting complicated, and reversing my orientation was out of the question. This is going to get me killed, I told myself, calmly noticing my alarm, I should go back to sleep.

Part of me was intent on severing the serpent. A wiser aspect knew this would destroy the creature, and would be a tragic error.

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